Recent news articles exposed that elite school sporting associations in Brisbane have been quietly offering enticing sporting scholarships, not only to the gifted athletes, but also to their siblings, to entice talented sports stars to move schools. How committee members need to bring their business smarts to their volunteer roles in sport.
Free Webinar: Multi-Use of Sports Grounds - by Governance & Design
Sunshine Coast Spinners Spotlight
Motions in Meetings
Disaster Recovery and Financial Assistance
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Recovery tips for flooded sports clubs
Building sporting facilities on flood plains makes great sense… until it rains! And boy did it rain in southeast Queensland and northern New South Wales on the weekend of 26 and 27 February 2022! The devastation caused by the floods really put a damper on what would otherwise have been another busy weekend of community sport. In the latest episode of CPR Group’s podcast, Basket Case Clubs, Michael and Steve put on their gloves and gumboots to share tips to help volunteers in their clean up and recovery efforts.
Why your committee needs club governance training
Whether it’s leaders in their early 20s in university clubs and societies, young parents at the community kindy, coaches at the local footy club or retirees running a golf club or craft society, all of these volunteers would be far better off if they had access to the best governance training; training to teach them things from how to run an effective meeting to preparing a club budget.
Master Plans in Action
What CAN clubs do?
COVID hit grassroots sports clubs hard. From having to adapt to new regulations to dealing with complete shutdowns, there was a lot to learn for the hard-working volunteers who run local clubs. As Australia prepares to get back on the field for full sporting seasons in 2022, it’s time for more clubs to use the lessons that COVID taught us about change, and apply them across their operations.
Clubs can turn million dollar dreams into reality
AGM Season
Free webinar - Be Grant Ready
We are excited to offer a free webinar. In this free webinar, we will explore the benefits of being proactive by starting with your project and being ready when the right grant comes along. Grant writing isn’t difficult, but it does take time. The better prepared you are, the easier it will be at application time. When you get the planning right, money is usually much easier to find and the projects are much easier to deliver.
Council Forums - The benefits of online or in-person
Funding Success for Longreach Regional Council Childcare Centre
CPR Group is proud to announce the success of their design and associated grant funding application made on behalf of Longreach Regional Council. The Longreach Childcare Centre, operated by Longreach Regional Council, will be provided $150,000 from the Australian Government to help fund an expansion of the childcare centre that will double the capacity of the facility.
How can Councils benefit from an automated asset maintenance system
Councils often lease their assets to sports clubs and communities and once leased, these assets are hard to track, especially when using a manual asset management process. CPR Group has developed assetTRAC for exactly this reason. assetTRAC is smart and easy asset management software designed for Councils and sports clubs.