Longreach Regional Council Housing Strategy

Longreach Regional Council Housing Strategy

Longreach Regional Council


Longreach Regional Council, located in the outback Queensland, identified local housing challenges which are also being faced by many regional Australian communities. Recognising that housing is fundamental to community wellbeing and regional liveability, the Council undertook an essential step to gain a comprehensive understanding of the local housing situation. By documenting the specific issues and any unique challenges that Longreach faces, the Council is now better equipped to contribute to addressing the situation effectively. This includes advocating for government support and collaborating with partners to find practical solutions to enhance housing conditions in the region.


A desktop analysis of the housing situation in Longreach involved data collection, demographic and economic assessments, as well as reviewing the current state of the housing market and its supply including the roles of state and local government, land use and zoning. Research identified comparative case studies from other communities which were viewed in the local context, along with current housing trends, specific to regional communities. Recommendations considered policy changes, infrastructure investments, and community initiatives and prioritised diversity, accessibility and affordability to meet the housing needs of every Longreach resident. 


Council has acquired a comprehensive understanding of the local housing situation, underpinned by data and research, to inform potential solutions. By addressing these constraints and concentrating on actionable measures, the Council aims to make meaningful strides in rectifying the housing challenges, thereby fostering the well-being and prosperity of the entire region.

The strategy recognises critical challenges, like rising construction costs due to labour shortages and material price hikes, affecting financing for new builds and renovations. Moreover, underinvestment in building maintenance and shifting demographics, such as an ageing population and smaller households, has increased the demand for diverse housing options, including medium-density residences. These challenges have led to substandard housing, impacting the region's liveability and rental market.

Recommendations contained within the strategy include Council’s continued monitoring and access to Federal and State funding, seeking alternative housing solutions, and forming partnerships with government and non-government entities. Additionally, strategic planning and community engagement are essential recommendations to seek improved liveability and attractiveness in the region.