Empowering Queensland’s Sports and Recreation Clubs with ClubIQ

A New Resource Hub for Volunteers

We are incredibly proud to announce the launch of ClubIQ – a comprehensive suite of resources and videos designed specifically for volunteers managing sports and recreation clubs in Queensland. This initiative, developed in collaboration with the Department of Tourism, Innovation and Sport (DTIS), marks the creation of a centralised hub of valuable and reliable information for clubs and associations throughout Queensland.

ClubIQ represents a unique opportunity to support community clubs and associations, helping them achieve greater levels of success and enjoyment for their members. This project is the culmination of over 25 years of experience working with clubs in Queensland. Our passion for sports governance and operations drives us to share our expertise with volunteers and staff, making a meaningful impact on the industry.

We understand the challenges faced by volunteers on club committees, especially with the high turnover rates that often leave new members without the necessary training, skills and knowledge. Our mission is to equip these dedicated individuals with the tools they need to succeed. The resources available on ClubIQ are straightforward and concise, focusing on the topics that matter most. We aim to simplify governance without requiring hours of reading, transforming complex ideas into accessible information.

"Clubs will be able to unlock a treasure trove of resources and training tailored to support volunteers, strengthen clubs, and enrich communities. From governance and planning to financial and volunteer management, there's something for everyone to boost club success. Join us as we kick off the movement and be part of a community dedicated to empowering volunteers and activating Queensland." - The Team @ Sport and Recreation

We extend our heartfelt thanks to the remarkable DTIS team and all the Queensland Sport and Recreation Officers. We have also thoroughly enjoyed the up-skilling governance training sessions over the last few months and trust these new skills and knowledge will benefit grassroots sports clubs and associations across our State.

At CPR Group, our goal is to ensure that every sport and recreation club and association has access to the knowledge, skills, and support they need to thrive, creating a legacy of strong and resilient clubs that will be enjoyed by generations to come.