Building club resilience

Building club resilience

What interesting times we live in. We’ve got empty stadiums, empty fields, empty clubhouses, empty canteens, empty bars, empty committee rooms, and in some cases, empty bank accounts.

We’ve got our members and ourselves at home, and our lifestyles have changed significantly. We’ve got government restrictions changing all the time, but the reality is that none of this stops us from making sure our clubs are prepared for the future.

In uncertain times we can feel like we don’t have control. With steps and structure, we can gain some of that control back and turn uncertainty into certainty.

CPR Group has developed a three-phase process to support your club through shutdown, downtime and re-open.

Stage 1 Shutdown – What should your club be doing now to shut down effectivity?

Stage 2 Downtime – How can you use the enforced club downtime to improve your club?

Stage 3 Re-open – What will you need to do when you get the green light to start again?

To concentrate on the shutdown phase, there are five things we should do now:

  • Communicate

  • Secure assets and facilities

  • Review finances

  • Remember statutory reporting

  • Prepare for downtime

Find out more about each shutdown stage in the webinar presented by Chris Kenward.

If you’re looking for more hands-on assistance, CPR Group is providing a Club Resilience Package tailored to bring your club from uncertainty into certainty.

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